layout designer and image: eloquent and modified by Saint3
Vote Earth
Wednesday, March 25 | 6:26 PM
Mark this date and time down on your calendar.
28 March 2009
Make it your decision not to Facebook, chat, DOTA and whatever you do online. Switch off all electric appliances, yes - even that air-conditioner. Hide all remote controls within easy reach, lest you be tempted. The truth is, you will not perish without your XBox, PS3, Wii for just one hour. If you have to snack, do it before or after this hour. Opening the fridge door burns zaps up precious electric energy (note - you do not switch off the refridgerator - you do know this right?). Go to sleep or just look out your balcony and enjoy the quiet and darkness. If you see a light switched on and feel very burdened by that inconsiderate neighbour, put on some clothes (I assume some of us will be perspiring profusely at this moment?) and walk up to their apartment and give them a good lecture on Earth Hour. Besides, walking helps cut down your calories!
For more information, check out the official site of Earth hour.